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Meiyu Du from Tongji University with the Chinese archery team won gold in 2023 FISU World University Games
Release time :2023-09-25        Read the number:332

An impressive display by the Chinese archery team at the Chengdu 2023 FISU World University Games hit a bull's-eye with spectators and athletes from all over the world. His passion for archery, even before entering College of Civil Engineering in Tongji University in 2019. After enrolling, he decided to join the Archery Association, where he found a group of like-minded friends. In 2020, he took on the role of president of the Tongji Archery Association, and was determined to grow together with the organization. Meiyu Du shared his insight after the impressive performance: with the full support of our school's teachers, we acquired an on-campus training facility and purchased equipment exclusively for the association. Members trained together, worked hard, and all of this made me feel very fortunate.