As land resources are increasingly scarcer, the development of underground space resources is critical to the sustainability of our world. The journal of Underground Space, which was established by Tongji University in 2016, is committed to providing a world-class knowledge platform to researchers around the world to communicate the innovative research findings and engineering practice related to the development of underground Space. The editors-in-chief of Underground Space are Prof. Hehua Zhu from Tongji University, Prof. Antonio Bobet from Purdue University, and Prof. Teruo Nakai from Nagoya Institute of technology. The unique knowledge sharing policy in Underground Space is that all the papers published are openly accessible to readers worldwide without article processing charges from the authors. Since its establishment in 2016, the journal of Underground Space has grown significantly, and has been indexed by SCOPUS, EI Compendex, and Web of Science. Its recent JCR impact factor is 6.4 (Q1), which makes it ranked No. 13 out of 139 civil engineering journals.