“The China State-Funded Postgraduate Overseas Study Program” Guidelines for Overseas Applicants to the Doctoral Program of Tokyo Institute of Technology commencing in October 2013
1. Outline: Tokyo Institute of Technology is accepting applications to the Doctoral Program commencing in October 2013 under the “China State-Funded Postgraduate Overseas Study Program.” Approximately ten (10) applicants with outstanding academic records and outstanding performance in their areas of specialty will be exempt from application, admission and tuition fees.
2. Date of Entrance: October 2013
3. Program: Doctoral Program
4. The number of candidates to be accepted: A few students per major
5. Requirements of Eligibility: Applicants must be Chinese nationals who satisfy the following conditions: (1) Student is applying as a student in the Doctoral Program under the “China State-Funded Postgraduate Overseas Study Program” of the China Scholarship Council. (2) Student will have completed a master’s degree program at a Chinese university by September 2013 or is currently enrolled in the first year of a doctoral program. Please note that those who are currently living in Japan are not eligible.
6. Application Documents: Please see the application requirements fo r “the International Graduate Program (B).” http://www.gakumu.titech.ac.jp/nyusi/prospectus/english/cat22/detail_159.html
7. Application Deadline: Please see the application requirements fo r “the International Graduate Program (B)”. (Please note that application documents must be received by the Admissions Division, Student Service Department on or before January 15, 2013).
8. Selection Method: Please see the application requirements fo r “the International Graduate Program (B)”. (Applicants will be selected by a screening of the application documents and an online interview.)
9. Notification of Admissions Decision: The result of the admissions decision will be mailed to all applicants in early March 2013. Approximately ten (10) selected applicants, those with excellent academic records and outstanding performance in their areas of specialty, will receive a “letter of confirmation,” indicating that they are also exempt from paying tuition and other fees by the end of February.
10. Application Fee, Admission Fee and Tuition: As stated in item 9 above, approximately ten (10) applicants with outstanding academic records and outstanding performance in their areas of specialty will be exempt from application, admission and tuition fees. All other successful applicants who wish to enroll in the program must pay the application fee by June 30, 2013 and the admission and tuition fees at the time of the admissions procedure, which is scheduled in late September 2013. Failure to pay any of these fees by the appropriate deadline will result in the cancellation of your acceptance.
Application fee: 30,000 yen Admission fee: 282,000 yen Tuition: 535,800 yen/year
Note: For the approximately ten (10) students selected for exemption from application, admission and tuition fees, if you fail to be chosen as a recipient of the China Scholarship Council’s scholarship, the privilege of being exempt from tuition and other fees will be withdrawn. In that case, please pay all fees by the appropriate deadline as outlined above.
11. Inquiries and Information: For admissions documents and procedures, please contact: Admissions Division, Student Service Department Tokyo Institute of Technology 2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550 Phone: +81-3-5734-3024 Email: ryugakusei@jim.titech.ac.jp
For application, admission and tuition fees and/or exemption, please contact: International Affairs Division, International Affairs Department Tokyo Institute of Technology 2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550 Phone: +81-3-5734-3827 E-mail: kokuji.jig@jim.titech.ac.jp