Foreign exchange

    On July 15th, the University Vice-president Zhou Zuyi met Prof. Cui Yujun, President’s Representative of Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees (ENPC). Related principals of Graduate College, College of Civil Engineering, Institute Franco-Chinois D'Ingenierie et de Management and Foreign Affairs Office attended the meeting.

    Prof. Cui Yujun presented the holograph of Philippe Courtier, President of ENPC to Zhou Zuyi and discussed the cooperative project of double degree with Zhou to strengthen the cooperation between the two universities on behalf of their president. The two universities agreed to develop double degree cooperation in the major of Civil Engineering. They will send students to the other university every year and will issue diplomas of ENPC and Tongji. In the recent period, College of Civil Engineering will confirm the education plan, curriculum organization, students’ selection and the other details. The two universities planned to sign the cooperation agreement in November.