News and the Notices

 On May 17, 2017, Prof. Slaw W. Hermanowicz, Minner Faculty Fellow, and Prof. Lisa Alvarez Cohen, Fred and Claire Sauer Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley visited College of Civil Engineering (CCE), Tongji University. The two parties held a meeting on Tongji-UCB Joint Research Centre in room A205, Building of Civil Engineering. On behalf of Tongji University, Associate Prof. Liang Yijun, Deputy Director of International Exchange and Cooperation Office of Tongji University, Prof. Jiang Huanjun, Deputy Dean of CCE, Prof. Zhou Ying, Director of Structural Engineering and Research Institute of CCE, Prof. Xia Siqing, professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, and Ms. Shen Jiajun, Director of Foreign Affairs Office of CCE attended the meeting together.