On the afternoon of September 27th, President Pei Gang, accompanied by Vice-president Zhou Zuyi, met with Professor Philippe Courtier, President of the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussés (ENPC). In view of the coming cooperation on the project of dual diplomas from China and France (Master of Tongji University and the ENPC engineering diploma), two presidents showed their recommendation and support on it and also agreed to sign the cooperation agreement in the middle of November. Besides, two parties co-proposed to ally with Université Paris-Est (UPE) to start the leading project of co-training doctors and conferring dual doctor’s diplomas.
Our university has cooperated with ENPC for more than ten years and started SIMBA project, the project of Dual-Master of Intelligent Traffic System and so on since 2000. In this year ENPC brought forward developing the cooperation project of dual diplomas, which is the first time for it to cooperate with a Chinese university to conferring French engineering diploma. The first major we started is civil engineering, and then the traffic engineering and mechanical engineering. Students will obtain the
After the meeting, President Pei Gang invited to dinner President Philippe Courtier and the delegacy of Paris High Science which was visiting Shanghai.